Monday, May 6, 2019

Lilith Device Final Chapter Progress Report

Hey everyone! 

After hemming and hawing on the best way to deliver updates for a while I ultimately decided just to dust off this old blog. 

I'm looking to have the next chapter done within a few months. I've been privately testing the game with a few colleagues and have been working on mostly iteration on puzzles and story developments. As you can probably understand, after everyone has been waiting for so long there's a lot of pressure to deliver on the finale, so I've been doing a lot of rewrites on some developments, fleshing out some characters, that sort of thing.

What I've been working on lately is the addition of new slaves. As the player character has transitioned from enslaving randos one at a time to taking over entire areas of the city at once, there are less individual enslavement scenes which I know will disappoint some people. 

To make up for this, I've been adding a few secret enslavements as well as hidden codes to change your existing slaves into templates you wouldn't normally be able to access (like women that only exist during certain scenes and such.)

There's also a lot more endings and game over sequences than in past chapters, in fact there might be more in this chapter than in the rest of the game combined.

I've also been working on putting in a larger variety of endings. Most people play the game in different ways, whether they make every slave a clone of a single template, min-max the hell out of their slaves, choose whatever mutation they think is hottest, what have you.  I've also received fanmail from people that just enjoy it as a story of a mind controller who gets in over her head, and their canon end to the game is the player character just becomes a Mitsuko girl.

Trying to please everyone is obviously a fool's errand, but a good variety of endings will allow more players to find something they really enjoy. Not everyone is going to want the ending where the player converts everyone in the planet into a clone of herself but some people are going to really dig it.

Anyway, I hope this manages to alleviate some of the pain of such a long wait. I know you're all really excited and I don't want to disappoint you. As always, feel free to PM me questions either through Hypnopics or TFgamessite.

Here are a few more images to tide you over.


  1. Great stuff captain. Take as much time as you want. The stuff looks great

  2. Can't Wait for this summer's blockbuster. :)

  3. Good to see you are still updating the game. Take the time you need, this september is gonna be filled with a bunch of games anyways so don't feel like you need to rush anything. :D

  4. With the pandemic and everything i just wanna know if your alright Cap'n, normally i'd just silently lurk and wait, but your one of my favorite developers so i genuinely worry. Hoping your doing alright.

  5. Starting to think the pandemic got to the captain. The only other place
    I know to find the captain hypnopics and it says they were last active in september of 2020.

    1. Hm, that site now says last active: "March 07, 2023, 09:22:51 PM"

      So probably not a coof stat but... well another reason I guess?

  6. I hope this is game is going to be completed. It's literally my #1 favorite game on all of TFgames and have replayed it multiple times. I know it has been years and it seems like Captain's twitter has disappeared, but I have hope that one day the finished version of the game will come out and I will enjoy it no matter what.

  7. Actually it seems to have this now:
