Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Lilith Device Chapter 4 Preview:

I figured I'd take a bit to talk about what's coming in the next update of TLD.  So if you've been paying attention to the thread you know this is the chapter "Witches on Lake Innsmouth".  It's a bit different than the previous chapters in a couple of ways. 

First of all, it shouldn't take as long because there are finally no major mechanics coming in this chapter.  The biochamber cloning took most of the development cycle of version 2.00 and it's crazy complicated.

This chapter will be all story.  So that's a load off my back.  

This update is also a bit different in that it has more of a horror feel to it!  All the witches are sexy but they're still messing with some pretty funky stuff (the name of the lake should tip you off).  I'm not saying the game is going to suddenly have a bunch of jump scares and little girls with bleeding eyes, I'm just saying it's going to get creepy.  Sexy creepy.

And then there's my favorite part about this chapter, awesome environments.  I've found some really cool images to use for areas. Here are a couple of my favorites.

And if you don't care about environments then whatever!  Here's a player image to tide you over until then.

See you later!

1 comment:

  1. It looks really promissing.
    I can hardly wait fot the next chapter to be released. Keep up the good work.
